
was anyone else wondering what role the video game guy was playing in this episode? I found it strange that he was in every era the girls were in. But he did say something significant "This game has two endings, depending on if you’re playing one player or two", which I found really interesting because it seemed that

very true. The speech didn't make much sense. It was going against the violence of the police, while also endorsing the police to have much greater power than ever before… I feel the BLM aspect was just segmented in rather clumsily.

the theme of the episode is basically that "everyone has their secrets, but how far are you willing to go to ensure those secrets aren't found out?" and I feel like although the episode ended on that note, it was pretty wishy-washy for the majority of the episode. The episode would have fared better if the main

Again, just like my complaint of the first episode, I feel that Black Mirror is at its best when even after the episode is done, we're still terrified of our imagination of what comes next for the main character, as they usually find themselves stuck in a nightmare. These first two episodes have given both main

This episode was quite different from the preceding Black Mirror episodes, namely because it offers a solution to the madness - throw away your technology. The horror of Black Mirror is how the episode always starts off as a utopian world, and slowly starts uncovering the cracks, almost always ending the episode in a

and you know how? Lil Uzi no matter how shitty his music is or how he's not top tier or even close, he still has a manager and an agent, and these people don't play around because its their money too

lol I meant more so than it was played out to be. More of the blame on the episode was placed on how slippery and slimy the promoter was, but really they should have focused more on how incompetent Earn is as a manager

great episode, I only started liking Atlanta after Earn's girlfriend's episode.
But the storyline about the money is a bit annoying. IRL, promoters pay 50% deposit before at least like two weeks before a show. So Paper Boi should have gotten paid $2500 before even entering the club, then getting the balance after the

just watched this episode, it was unfunny, and very unrealistic. A character that acts so hateful and vile with little relevance to politics will get really old and annoying, really fast. So much so that even his character on the show will have to be taken off because audiences have seen more than enough of the

good, hopefully its the same for me. The hype for this show was real, and each episode has gotten great reviews, but I haven't found myself invested in any of the characters yet, but as long as the episode's on my pvr, I watch it

late to the party but although I loved the inflatable guy montage, I found Jimmy's actions incredibly annoying. Yes he wanted to leave, and yes he was unhappy, but that didn't mean he had to embarrass and disrespect his bosses, I really felt bad for the guy when he just wanted a straight up answer of why Jimmy didn't

Gillian Anderson is a goddess. She should be a Bond girl. matter of fact, this episode felt like a James Bond movie, where Bond has severely lost his way and is now a cannibal

me too dude

And man, if I was Tony's father I won't give two shits about him. Tony's mad annoying to a father that clearly cares about him more than anyone else currently does. And he treats him like shit.

I'm a little late to the party, but I can't believe how unlikable every character is. Still can't believe 200 people will rally for this lowlife who wasted 100,000 of a community's money that he clearly doesn't care about, or support in the slightest. Very unrealistic, if anything, in real life the number of people

had to watch the show on my computer with subtitles for him

good guess

I found it interesting how Don now willingly talks (and jokes) about his childhood. Flashback to Season 1 when he was at home with Betty and Roger, and no one, even his closest friends and family, could barely get a peep at his childhood. It shows that he is maturing and coming to terms with his past.