
because then you already knew how it tasted

I might be wrong, but my first thought for that line was that he was mentioning Kanye and Kim's twins through a surrogate mother.

American Crime has really great topics to discuss; topics that are not easily resolved, and that's why I like the show. But the characters are so unlikeable that I find myself never really caring less. Season 1 was the worst for me, I couldn't stand any of the characters. Season 2 was an improvement, but again with

It's understandable that you think that way. There are some people (myself included) that love animals. I just have a betta fish right now but I know it has a mind and personality of its own. But others, my parents for example, couldn't give two shits what an animal thinks or wants. That's why I considered this an

good so you really can't blame me for falling in love with the dog either

this episode is everything to me

what? how are you even coming to that gender-degrading conclusion, then calling me an idiot? Another commenter got it right, the Chrysler 300 looks similar to the body of a Bentley.

Selina's the biggest douchebag of them all. The fact that Jonah is on the rise while she's going down is karma

ahaha yea I usually watch sports on mute while I do something else and there are only a few commercials I can't stand even without hearing what they're saying- These Chevy commercials, burger king commercials (those twins have been pissing me off lately), and Trivago

you'll be surprised how many people (females especially) that can't tell a bentley from a chrysler lol

I had a love-hate thing with Sandra, she was cold and calculating but damn she was good. Cirie has basically morphed into a Sandra-lite, imo. I would have really liked to have seen the dynamic with both of them there, neither of them are particularly athletic so they would never win immunity, so pure strategy, and

a few reasons why I believe Sarah didn't create an uprising against Cirie right there and then. The first reason you got absolutely right, Cirie had already damaged her game. From the merge onwards, Cirie was Queen, she had Andrea, and Mikayla sucking on her teat, and Sarah as a pretty good soldier while Sierra and

I'll definitely be doing that after this season to catch up. Over 30 seasons to catch up on though won't be easy

I was wondering if she did that on purpose or not. She probably did assume they were friends. But either way that could potentially have been a huge game changer, especially if Cirie ended up being voted out

this is the first season I've watched but I think this season is amazing

haha I get what you're implying but no, complete opposite…besides, I only like white mature women in business attire and my family is black

I always thought she was sexy. I love mature business women like that. Kim Wexler is wifey

the problem is that most people don't try to differentiate "American Crime" from any other crime show. This isn't about solving a crime, it's about exploring how people's lives are affected because of said crime(s). The Wire is the same, it's not a show about cops catching drug dealers.

I bet Glen Howerton hates Chris Pratt. He was also considered for Jurassic World before Chris Pratt swooped in

the show was still very new then, only a season old. Replacing a core character is always a bad move. And no one is as depraved as the gang, so no one should even try