Kris M. Wernowsky

I appreciate the AVC, as someone who works in online media, mostly because you have one of the most respectful communities of commenters on the web.

Thanks for taking a minute to respond. I wasn't trying to troll or be a d-bag about it. It just looked weird.

Actually, I would like a minefield of reaction comments about the weird ethical lapse of having a week of content and stories sponsored by a film that is being praised in the second sentence of this column. Eeek.

I rarely consider the opinions of talentless agro bros posing as intellectuals. So why start now?

Before this, Pensacola's biggest claim to fame was abortion clinic doctor shootings and bombings. So, I'm not sure what that says about "Party Down South…"

Starting today Febreze will begin conducting an experiment with real people, right off the street. "Now tell me what you smell?"

Wait, I've already seen "2 Days In New York."