Kris Kringlestofferson

This is a sane reason to ask for a new flight.

Notably, this is not what the raving moron on the plane wanted.
Also, kicking Ivanka off the plane wouldn’t magically stop any pre-arranged tampering from happening. is unclear how kicking her off would definitively make the flight safer.

What about being an asshat to the other 100 or so people on the plane. Does that count?
What about being an asshat in such a way that it draws sympathy for the facist? Can we be upset about that.

This guy accomplished NOTHING except making himself feel good. How noble of him.

That’s a lot of buzzwords that are meant to silence discussion...but it’s still unclear how throwing a tantrum is helping.
Any thoughts on how personally delaying a flight, because you don’t want to fly on the same plane is doing anything productive.

This shit is the reason nothing is accomplished. The person on the

Cool story. My comment clearly doesn’t apply to you in any way. You clearly aren’t the type of person I’m talking about.
But the internet is gonna you’re taking it as a personal attack.

Friendly advice: Not everyone is out to get you.

I am opposed to forcing people to take pills that would kill them.
Let’s tell them Obama banned consumption of the pills, and give them the freedumb to choose!

I can never get too worked up about people who don’t vote.
These are people too dumb and disengaged to vote. Do we really need more people who WILLFULLY don’t give a shit about what happens voting?

But we have to call them naive, because it’s nicer. After all, the reason they all voted for Trump was because we were too mean and hurt their feelings! #bsnarrative

If I owned a newspaper or news-site I would steal this idea.

It would get taken from everyone they don’t personally know. People they know, well, they deserve the help, because they’re good people.

Obamacare is for freeloaders. They don’t think they’re they get to keep their Obamacare.

Sadly, they won’t believe that it’s his/their fault. Or the next election, they’ll just believe that the R candidate (peddlilng the exact same policies) has the better plan to fix the mess. Because, you know, he’s not a democrat.

See: Kansas for an example of continuing to double down on a party that is clearly

I loved learning the phrase “natural consequences” from my child-rearing friends. So many real world applications!

“Rules are rules” isn’t a particularly thoughtful reply to the question “Isn’t this a dumb rule guys?”

Who is saying this isn’t a rule? No one.
Who is saying this fine is against the rules? No one.

The whole point here is...Isn’t this a dumb fucking rule?

Saying “Yeah, but it’s the rule what’s the issue” could not be less

What is the meaningful difference between...
not being against something, and being against something on behalf of someone else?

EDIT: I don’t disagree with the distinction. I’m just confused why peer/customer pressure absolves the NFL of the actions it takes.