
Pink invented the whole “line” of gems, I’m pretty sure. They were grown on Earth so that she could have an army. Also, there was that episode with the human zoo where they show all the other Rose Quartz gems floating in bubbles. They were decommissioned after the war started in order to find the one traitorous one.

Yeah, the very few negative nancy reviews I’ve seen (and this middling, uninformed critique is the worst from anyone serious) all list a bunch of “negatives” that I consider obvious givens (lots of characters) or bonus factors (rewards folks who’ve been paying attention).

This sounds like a Pitchfork review, in that it takes something that’s recognized as good and shits on it for something so trivial

lol I can’t believe the way M.C. handled this. What a mess.

Glad you wrote a little thing about this, Mike. I’ve actually played this since the beginning - it may be the only game I’ve played for this length of time. As grateful as I am for the four years of fun, the announcement comes at an odd time, especially with all the recent content. With getting on for 200 playable

I loved Supernatural until I couldn’t bare it anymore. I mean loved it to the point where I spent several hundred dollars going to one of their conventions with my friends.

You’re on the wrong website. Please go help J.J Abrams make a good Star Trek movie.

Oh, I don’t disagree. The odds of actually spotting a star with an engineering event going on around it are about a billion trillion to one, assuming that there would be about 2 civilizations at any given time capable of performing such an act, and that they would do so to a star that was within our visible radius,

As for the Prime Directive, I’m advocating that working on stars unlikely to harbor life is a more logical solution than finding already existing habitable worlds to colonize. As an ancestor of mine once said: Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day - teach him to fish, and he’ll be fed for a lifetime. Remember,

The biggest axe against it being an alien megastructure project is the fact its an F-type star. F-types only live a couple billion years, depending on mass.

When I saw this post I nearly fell out from laughter lol. More ironic since not only was I thinking this when I first download the app, but I have experienced it first hand. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood (City as well) and I’m in a interracial marriage of 16 years with 4 kids. I’m never a threat to

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

Maybe this is just what George Takei imbued upon the character, but I kinda always thought Sulu was gay. Like, this is my surprise face right now:

Marvel, certainly more than DC, seems at an awkward turning point. They’ve expanded their diversity more than their chief competitor, so much so that if you throw a dart at a board to pick the next person to kill, it’s as likely to land on a woman of color than a white man. At the same time, the history of comics (and

Meet the marketing exec who made the decision...

While this movie looks amazing, and I’m happy we’re getting it, part of me wishes the Captain America: Serpent Society teaser image Marvel released (before replacing it with Civil War) when they held the Phase 3 announcement party was real.

WB Studio Exec - “Greg Berlanti? Are you kidding? That guy works on television! We’d be better off hiring an illiterate pig farmer...”

“All Lives Matter” <—- A truism. Like saying the sky is blue.

Stand up right now if you wanted to be treated the way black people are in this country.

Injunctions are usually granted while a case is going through the courts. You don’t have to prove your case to get one. If someone’s business or career will be irreparably damaged a judge can grant an injunction. This judge didn’t grant the injunction because she claimed Kesha’s career wasn’t in danger. This is