Kris Heenk

Can't wait for SNL's 'Punisher RomCom' parody trailer.

I'm hoping that this becomes what 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' was for RDJ. An amazing film in its own right, but not quite seen as his "comeback film", which most consider to be 'Iron Man'.

Not even a mention of Jeff's version of Season Seven in which:

You could say that it was the Hitler character misuse.

What's a dimininninyah myehhhh?

Well, if it's not actually him, then we really do have a CRISIS ALERT on our hands.

Also, can I just say how cool it is that you actually interact with us here.

They replayed you yelling Crisis Alert in 'Geography of Global Conflict' (s03e02) so many times that it just became associated with you.

There was one major flaw with this episode: How can you do a Garrett-centric episode, but not have anyone yell "CRISIS ALERT!"??

Becky's new look worked well…from the waist up.

Or the fact that CA: TWS was the most prominent homage because noted Community episode directors, the Russo brothers, were also the ones at the helm of that movie.

It's interesting that you chose to focus solely on the end of Betty's letter to Sally, when the body of the letter can be just as telling about the character.

Eh. Sounds like the BS excuse that CBS fed to Probst when someone called them out on their screw-up (or one he made up on the spot).

"It’s a shame Fish Mooney won’t be around anymore, because that new outfit and hairdo was seriously on point."

But will it be a musical?

I'd actually guess at 'Last Man Standing' getting one more year.

There's overwhelming odds that they wouldn't be able to bring back the original
cast (least of which being that Tim Allen already has another show on
TV), but I think it would be fun with "replacement actors" if they
incorporate that into the backstory.

The thing to keep in mind, is that the joke isn't about Frankie's sexuality, or even about Frankie's desire to keep her sexuality private. It's about everyone else's response to the fact that she wants to keep her sexuality private.