Iwona Burgunda

Eloped, too. Wouldn’t have it any other way. No witnesses either. Just went to the court, it was like $35 bucks, and then one friend met us for brunch and that was that. I wore a dress I’ve had for a while, but I did blow dry my hair that day to make it seem special!

I’m confused, because on the show Phaedra has said the past few weeks that the divorce had been finalized?


The numbers are appalling. I am UTA staff. Here is the full email they sent us.

Not enough Get Smart gifs.

To be fair, he’s actually skipping to join in on a meeting with the Chinese President here and going to Russia later in April.

I’m glad to hear (a Trump employee, surprisingly!) admit this stuff isn’t skilled. I’m so tired of hearing things like construction as being described as unskilled. Could you go fucking follow a blueprint and build solid foundations for a house? I can barely use a drill. And I def don’t know best fastening practice.

I love that iPhone still doesn’t autocorrect trump to capitalized =)

He’s jealous of Martha Stewart.

I don’t know what you’ve gone through. But what I am hearing is you asking others to empathize with a body that had been through more life than theirs.

So, there are a bunch of lower federal courts under the supreme (federal) court. If someone wants to contest a law, they go to their district court first (the law they are alleging causing harm has to spawn from a local case) and depending on rulings, it moves up from there. Essentially the Supreme Court can’t hear

HAHAHA! This cracks me up. Reminds me of my cousin from Arizona, who as a kiddo, was obsessed with armadillos. She thought the song “Amadeus” was saying ARMADILLO ARMADILLO, ARMADILLO ARMADILLO. She ‘bout had a heart attack when she visited my family in Texas and saw a mom and her baby ‘dillos in a parking lot.

It’s like the ethics debate- would you kill baby Hitler?

omg... the lyrics make me bang my head... its like a 12 year old wrote them...

Great! But I don’t want to mislead, we are a major finance city and there are def the better boots, SMU, life handed to them good ol’ boys, and the big haired blonde housewives... but I feel that is any city (looks and culture probably looking different). But I grew up outside of Dallas in Garland (city King of the

Absolutely, Highland Park, University Park, bankers, etc... trust me... I get it. I have family in HP... but the rest of us in the city have our own thing going on. I am a social worker and live in a hispanic neighborhood right next to the ‘gayborhood’, with a gay strip club at the end of my street. So maybe I am only

I lived there back in 2000-2005. After moving around to a lot of different places, I am in Dallas now and I live in the hispanic neighborhood bordering cedar springs/oak lawn, and there is a gay strip club right at the end of my street. I am also a social worker. Maybe I am only around deeply political liberals and

No. Other way around. Nashville hasn’t turned into Austin yet.

When I lived in Austin, 2004-2008, I fucking made sure to leave town every time.

“And yet, Austin is a sanctuary city and a supposed liberal oasis in Texas’s conservative folds...”