The next Erika Giardi-like scandal?
The next Erika Giardi-like scandal?
If there was one minuscule shard of silver lining to take from Trump’s presidency, it was that perhaps this was the particular apocalypse the Democrats needed to reinvigorate its stultified base, one so underwhelmed by Hillary Clinton it largely couldn’t be bothered to vote. Unfortunately, this fact doesn’t seem lost…
Anybody have a suggestion for facial sweating?
Anybody have a suggestion for facial sweating?
Thank you. I hate ‘making out’. I think my husband takes it as an affront. But it seriously turns me off. Why would I be want a tongue fuck in my mouth? Gross gross gross.
I get it, crisis pregnancy centers have some pretty fucked up beliefs and tactics. However, if it makes you feel any better, they actually do help quite a few women who have chosen to keep their child already.
Well... and if he is really concerned about the opioid epidemic (which of course we all know marijuana does not lead to opioid use), then maybe they shouldn’t defund public actions to fight it. Everything about them is stupid.
My office is on the same floor 2 doors down from the Dallas Republican Party—every day is a rage stroke. I feel for you.
A literal baby you say?
I’m confused why he made a statement about anti-semetism at the Museum of African American History.... couldn’t it have been a separate statement?
Oliver and Georgette thank you.
NOOOOOO! Not the Chafe! I always had a picture of him in my head of being a “good boy”.... kind of like I call my goofy, sweet as can be, but intellectually challenged Oliver. My husband and I actually have a joke that Oliver loves Chafee and that we didn’t have the heart to tell him he isn’t president.
Do you have the link to this info? I tried googling...
“I grateful to Father Michael... I wouldn’t give nearly as good head if it wasn’t for him...”
I’m confused why no one is understanding what I’m saying.
I think they just sell the list on whole. They don’t get to go through and choose the emails they want. It’s just like, “we got 1,500 email addresses selling for x amount of money.”
They still make money even if it’s an email you never check. She said something like anywhere from $1-$2.50 an address.
Don’t take this!! I read a comment from a former Obama pollster who said, of course, all he is going to say is SOOO MANY PEOPLE TOOK IT EVERYONE LOVES ME! But more importantly... it will line his pockets. He has a whole list of email addresses that he can sell for a good sum.
Yeah except... questions like “where do you get your news?” and the choice are essentially FOX or CNN. I mean - how hard headed are they? There are no other news networks? I mean.... I guess those aren’t real. But neither is CNN, huh?
It feels like what we will all be wearing in the near famined, poor future. Drab, dingy clothes.
The “severely mentally ill” restriction thing bugs me. It does nothing but increase stigma.