Iwona Burgunda

I once went to a strip club outside of Austin for, well basically to see what is was about. I just could not get over how Game of Thronesy (of course this was before GoT but you get the picture) it really was. NAKED BODIES AND FOOD, NAMELY, MEAT. At one point the DJ made some sort of derogatory comment about a male

Yup, can't blame the demise of men on women when men are running the fucking show. POWER + PREJUDICE = ISM. Women don't have the power, so fuck off with your nonsense.

Can ban the "because of course *enter locale*" phrase? It adds nothing, is never really funny, and generally is anecdotal. It annoys me, a lot. I guess that's the biggest issue, I AM ANNOYED!

Nah, I'm pretty "fucked up." I think a lot of it comes from being messages and doing messages. Like for me they were mixed. "You're so pretty when you do... yadda yadda yadda." Instead of just, "you're pretty" or "you did this well". Somehow value gets placed in the wrong places, like on the smartness thing, I am only

Speaking of which, this weeks Community was some of the best TV I've seen in a loonnnggg time. I was dying the whole time.

This is basically my mom. She always tried to feed the men in the family more and the women in the family less. "Don't you want to split that?" She always is sending me stuff on fad diets, is always dieting herself, as I was growing up all I ever saw her do was count calories and hate on herself in the mirror. When I

Wait... are you saying is it aptly named Jungle Island because they are black or am I missing some other "joke"?

This story has been giving me a rage stroke every day since I heard about it a few weeks ago. Recurrent, increasingly more violent rage strokes. I better hope I am not fucking pregnant, I have a DNR.... but I live in Texas... soo....

I am not sure I even understand the concept of Uber... is it cheaper? What's the catch?

Dude, don't forget Myrtle's, "don't be a hater" comment regarding her theremin. Pure gold.

Yeah, I found it pretty pointless and disjointed, which is something I just accept as part of this show, but this seemed even more off-topic than usual.

To be fair, I have said this before to hurry up and get the show over with. I am on birth control, and it seems to really get the guys off fast.

God, I almost died from all the cute... "HLM suggests 'Man plays video game as son drowns in bathtub.'" WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY SUGGEST THAT AMONGST CUTE DOGGIEEESSS?

I don't feel entitled. I feel like I live in a town 100 oh wait i live in a town of 100 oh waiiiiii


Does anyone have a link to steam Her online? I'm dying to see it

YES. Was going to bring up brain development myself.

Wait, egg-white chips? That sounds legit good.