Iwona Burgunda

I went to New Orleans during the Christmas holiday and I went to the Voodoo Museum where the guy who runs it was all, "Yeah, Jessica came here all the time." And I was all, "TELL ME MORE!" Also, didn't realize Marie Laveau was a real person! Loving this season even more...

Ugh- I know. I get recovering Catholics, but I think people underestimate recovering southern baptists. Honestly, I think the psychological damage it causes a kiddo borders on abuse. I still struggle almost every day with it :( many internet hugs your way!!


Wait, wasn't he in a bad car accident recently?

I see you read the article. Nice summary. Clear and concise.

Lol. I'll take "Not Mississippi" or Alabama.

If we could not "lol sexist ass now you're going to go die in the most horrific war in modern history where 50,000 people will die in a day for 1 foot of land where also you're gunna just have to run out of the trenches into the line of fire hope that no mans land works out for you lol lol you deserve it"

If we could not "lol sexist ass now you're going to go die in the most horrific war in modern history where 50,000 people will die in a day for 1 foot of land where also you're gunna just have to run out of the trenches into the line of fire hope that no mans land works out for you lol lol you deserve it"

If we could not "lol sexist ass now you're going to go die in the most horrific war in modern history where 50,000 people will die in a day for 1 foot of land where also you're gunna just have to run out of the trenches into the line of fire hope that no mans land works out for you lol lol you deserve it"

If we could not "lol sexist ass now you're going to go die in the most horrific war in modern history where 50,000 people will die in a day for 1 foot of land where also you're gunna just have to run out of the trenches into the line of fire hope that no mans land works out for you lol lol you deserve it"


Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. FAS is serious shit. Nobody knows how much is too much. Don't risk it. I work at a parenting center where 99% of the clientele are referred by CPS because of drug or alcohol use during pregnancy. Sure, maybe if you are white and middle class CPS won't become involved in your life, but

Don't know where you live, but in Texas if the baby comes out positive for marijuana they WILL call CPS. I have ladies coming into my agency all the time required to come by CPS because marijuana use while pregnant. DON'T RISK IT!

Hey, more power to 'em! Would love to have a gay married mayor here in Texas. Maybe people will stop accusing us of being some ass backward state.

When did shade become a thing and what is the etymology? I feel I am just hearing it for the first time a couple weeks ago.

BTW, Mayor Parker is amazing. Openly gay woman who has talks about her and her partner wanting to get married, but vowing not to do it until it becomes legal in Texas. She is a badass.


I cannot express enough how much these books (and religion) fucked me up as a kid. I read the young adult versions and afterwards I stayed up all night worrying that Jesus was coming back and I'd have nothing but a miserable existence in front of me. I'd be up at night thinking, "I wish I believed, maybe wishing I

Yup. We basically now know the whole plot.