Dude- blankies are precious things. I FEEL YOU!
Dude- blankies are precious things. I FEEL YOU!
UGH HIGHLAND PARK- I literally had one of my cousins (they're all HPers) say to me "you WOULD have a 972 area code!" because apparently in Dallas you aren't worth anything unless you have a 214...
Live in Dallas, too- I really haven't been that fazed by ulta-conservatism... but maybe thats because I don't have one conservative friend and I work in the social work world...
Yeah- thats shitty. BUT today NASA has a lot of badass chicks from lots of different ethnic backgrounds.
Yup! The same lady who made this bill also tried to limit prenatal care in the past..... like... huh?!
So there is also this..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/09/tex…
I am just generally impressed by Bourdain- like when he chain smoked at 8,000 M elevation. That's impressive smoking.
SOMEONE JUST TELL ME WHICH DAY TO HAVE SEX AND I'LL DO IT. I can't keep up with it alllllllll.
Oh man.... the ol' other people throwing away your ratty toys thing.... yes..... my blanky was always mistaken for a ruined rag by my grandmothers help. Every time I went to see her I would find it in the trashcan. One day, I went to see her... and I think the trash went out before I realized it was gone =(
Does anyone else have a love affair with their evening news anchor? They're like part of the fam (or am I just weird?) I was in love with Peter Jennings before he died, and I moved to Brian Williams because he reminded me of Peter Jennings. And oh, we all know BriWi has so many, many, many things to love.
Was the kid even born when Clinton was in office?
The funniest part was the ear piece adjustment she did during the lip syncing. Did she practice that so people would think she was def singing?
I do believe that people have the capacity to change. In the case of domestic violence, it is often not possible within the same relationship that the abuse happened in, but new relationships can blossom and be healthy. Though- I have only seen this after the abuser has gone through treatment of some kind.
I KNOW! I have to tell people this ALL THE TIME! No, I am not "pro-abortion." I don't want anyone to have to get an abortion. I want everyone to have safe and effective ways to manage reproduction, preferably with birth-control. But if that is not the case, then I want someone to have abortion available to them. ITS…
Yeah- its going to get really old when they say "Troy isn't here because..." to explain his absence on that episode.
I know.... I try not to be a grammar nazi but not using adverbs and the subjective tense grates on my ears.
I think tampons should be covered with contraception in the Affordable Care Act.
Ermmmm..... short answer? no.