How this woman could ever have dreamed of being a soprano is beyond me- she is all chest voice.
How this woman could ever have dreamed of being a soprano is beyond me- she is all chest voice.
YES about the scream... I mean, I don't know why I wasn't expecting something horrific as the article is called "Naked Man Attacks Woman at Metro Stop" but the scream and the crying triggered my PTSD. Maybe a trigger warning along with NSFW/sanity?
I thought zombies were totally over, too, until In The Flesh started on BBC America... OMG that show is soooooo good. (To be fair it isn't necessarily about zombies as much as it is about them being cured and how they are accepted into the community... spoiler: not nicely!)
I have been at my current apartment for 2 years. All of my boxes are still sitting in my back patio. I mean, sure, I could probably break them down and put them somewhere more reasonable. But to just get rid of them? People do that? Like.. what happens if you move again? Buy all new boxes? Hellzzzz no.
Not necessarily a good story line of course...
Doug always makes mistakes. I have just come to accept it. That and commas. One day there will be no more commas to use because Doug used every damned last one.
I know! This is amazing!
I would actually love to read a book like puts the character looking like Peck in my mind... he is a sexy beast.
Its part of the story line... like, a major part of it. It wouldn't be the same book at all otherwise.
Eh- despite everyone else's response to you, while they make valid points, when celebrities sue for stupid shit that no one gives a fuck about it makes them look like conceited, selfish, self-conscious dicks. The end. I like SJ (for the most part) but this is a strike on the count.
Thanks for the relevant post.
Well, to me it sounds normal... but now you've got me wondering if I am in fact angry! ;)
All I can say is I am in the same boat and it is hard for me to keep my "crazy" intact.
Not at all! (Or at least in my view). You sound like you are self-aware and introspective. I remember when I first realized that I was submissive I was pretty shocked and unsure how to take it, but came to terms with it. (I am also bipolar which has led to way too many unsafe sex acts, so good on you for being…
When I lived in France (from Texas) I finally just gave up. That's all I have to add to this.
I have struggled with sleep for so long. Ambien worked for me, but I slept walked on it so had to quit. Honestly, I kind of just end up drugging myself up at night. I take trazadone, meletonin and benedryl. I am so scared of not sleeping, because in the past I have experienced hypomania due to it. But... what I really…
I am so sorry you are dealing with this, but it sounds like you are really working hard for yourself, so remember that! Also, I totally understand what you mean about the "you should be upset" v "get over it" fight. I am suffering from a recent trauma (which I even have a hard time calling it that!) and between my own…
I still sing that song from childhood in my head, "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I guess I'll just eat worms." Yeah... I'm 27....