Iwona Burgunda

Ugh- I know this overwhelming shame feeling. I once did a psychodrama and it really came out how much it has dictated my life (and still does). I have not figured out how to pass it yet, though... well rather, to make it manageable. When you find out, will you let me know? Because I spend most of my days thinking

This guy.... never enough of THIS GUY! (Edgar Ramirez, first saw him in Carlos, he is sexy AND smart, like speaks way too many languages for comfort.)

I have more WALKING rage than road rage. Like... when people can't walk in a straight line and you would really like to pass them. Or when someone is walking JUST A TAD slower than you, and to pass them you would have to look like a madman walking and also just look like a jerk. Or in the aisle when people take up the

Uhhhgghghhh I know... I have moved every year for about the past 5 years. I think it is time for me to donate some books to a good cause... its out of control.

Man, I have quit before, the longest I went was about 3 months. And the only time I ever got major nicotine fits was when someone fucking MENTIONED A CIGARETTE! Like "how is quitting going for you?" me: WTF I WASN'T EVEN THINKING ABOUT A CIGARETTE UNTIL NOW YOU JERK!

Whoa- I did not know this was a thing. Looked it up. The more you know...


You are def NOT alone. I actually have a bruise on my thigh that NEVER heals because I hit it over and over and over on the SAME DAMNED VANITY! I never learn =(

Man, it might seem trivial, but price-fixing is pretty fucked up. Y'all heard that This American Life about milk price-fixing?

I'd like to think Khloe... cuz I kinda like her.

Ugh, Hannigan, stop being so cute. First that mermaid lunch and now this?! I will never be able to catch up.

Sounds a lot like me. Also- doesn't matter how familiar I am with my apartment, I STILL clip like EVERY CORNER EVER. My thighs are always super bruised.

Hah- I actually think he would take me up on that... which could be amusing.

Geddit gurrrllll

Dude- if I was you I would eat em both. Maybe heat up the donut and put ice cream with it, like a warm pie and ice cream. Never a bad combo.

I get that urge all the time. Can you tell me the secrets of your serenity so I might lower this urge?

Don't leave us in the dark! Please name food! I LOVE nicknames! I was a nutty child so I had a million, here is the short list: monster baby, sissy beluga, calipitchy and more!

I think this was the best tweet beat yet. Danny Zuker- MAJOR LOLZ! Gaffigan- I want to know yr kids. Brit- man, I don't know why that hit me so much, but I just thought it was really sweet and unexpected. And Judah ain't kidding, y'all been to Wenceslas Square in Prague?


This is GREAT! I have met girls who have NEVER masturbated before. Or so they say... I call BS. Either way, SUPER BAFFLING.