
I see some good things about Resonance of Fate today! That's good news, because I was really hopeful for this title.

@Ueziel: Ah, that's good news! Was wondering how Resonance of Fate was doing.

@DragonDawn85: Well, if you REALLY didn't like them, you might not like Hurin either. If the problem is the writing style (as you already mentioned), Christopher Tolkien does most of the writing, and editing. So it's a little different, but still probably similar enough. If the problem is the flow of

@DragonDawn85: Ah, I know I'll like it. :) I've seen the most recent film version of Monte Cristo (which wasn't that great a film, but whatever), and the amazing anime adaptation from Gonzo (called Gankutsuou, it's gorgeous), so I'm familiar with the story. I've read part of it before, too, but never finished it.

I'm sorry, but the PC game question is missing options for Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights. That's a huge fail right there.

@Shawnrw222: Well, assuming they didn't start on it until the first was completed (and if it was my company, I wouldn't start a sequel until I saw the sales numbers for the original, but whatever), and assuming the first was completed a month or two before it was released.... For a game of that scope? Yeah, that

Oi, someone needs to slow down the typing a bit and fix all those typos up there.

@Altima NEO: Agreed. That's way soon for a sequel.

@DragonDawn85: Well, my definition of "well written" tends to differ from what most people consider "well written." :) But I'll try to take a look when I have time. My "to read" list is pretty long.... Right now I'm reading The Letters of JRR Tolkien, then I plan on reading The Count of Monte Cristo, which is

"and even disc-based games, which can be played from the drive as long as you have the original disc inserted in the console."

@DragonDawn85: Quick google search...they sound like gnomes to me. I thought it was some crazy thing, but they started out as halflings.

@DragonDawn85: Ah, my first character in this campaign was an evil aligned halfling rogue, but apparently I play with a bunch of babies, and they couldn't handle that my character had secrets and kept getting everyone into trouble. I ended up working for the main villain of the story, but I wasn't getting my job done

@Megamoppy: Er, I decided to go for Garrus actually. Then Thane showed up.....

@fauxbravo: I think we started with 3rd, and moved to 3.5 when it came out.

@fauxbravo: They were rotated. There were six campaigns, basically. Like.... An elf campaign, a dwarf campaign, a human campaign, a wilder campaign, and two mix campaigns. But they were all part of the same broad story. So we would play the first set of characters in the setting, then the second, and so on. When

@SamKablam: Well, our main group was me, my (now) husband, and his brother. So that's easy to hold together. A friend of theirs from HS played as often as possible, and he was probably our only other regular. We had 6-7 other people come in and out throughout the 6 years. So there were usually 4 of us playing

@CoKy14: Actually, if you're a girl, and you romance Kaiden (and he lives).... He is WAY harsh on you in the second game. I almost cried. I was genuinely hurt by the way he brutally brushed me off. He is pissed. He's upset that you didn't tell him you were alive, and he's incredibly angry that you're working for