
Last night my gaming group completed our 6 year long, 3 chapter, 6 character (each) Dungeons and Dragons campaign with an epic boss battle. 6 years of character development and storyline...over. A big chunk of our life has ended, and I feel really sad. :( We'll finally get to play something else, but after 6 years,

Free publicity:

@Slagathorian: No, it's not. A better example would be having to get a permit to speak in an open forum. Because I'm pretty sure you can't get arrested for saying bad things about gays. And child services might come down on you for verbally abusing your kids. The judge, you can get fined. But I don't

Wow, that's...a pretty wide range of scoring there. It sounds incredibly disappointing, honestly. I've read other reviews which give me the same feeling. I really have no problem waiting on this one. Probably pick it up at the end of the year, for Christmas. Other games are coming out soon that don't sound like

@The_Foo: And for those who can't read through all that, here is the main point:

@NorthStar37: There are plenty of educated, mature (as in age) people who will defend this as a freedom of speech issue. Because from this perspective, it IS a freedom of speech issue.


I would kill for a little project car like this.

@Kenji Uchimura: Well, I rarely use Morrigan. I feel like I can't. I'm a rogue, so I usually roll with Alistair and always with the healer lady. I usually try to take either another tank like Shale (because he'll soak up damage) or a ranged (but armored) specialist like the bard girl. If I left the healer, I

It's definitely sharper on the PS3. But it's wouldn't even notice if you hadn't seen the clearer version. It's like watching a normal DVD on a regular DVD player and a regular TV, and then watching it on a an HDTV with a composite cable. If you went back, you'd notice a drop in quality, but if you had

Now playing

Not a Sony or PS3 fan, but his commercials are hilarious. The recent one for GoW3 is one of my favorites.

@Baff: Sorry yeah.... I worded it wrong because I'm the worst with even the simplest numbers, apparently.

I don't understand what "60% of

Wow, that doesn't look completely terrible.

@01NB: smug emitting bastard: Did you listen to the call? The operator had to tell him to use the emergency brake and he expressed that he was worried the car would flip if he put it in neutral.

"very similar to the real handgun, which her stepfather had put on a table in the living room"


@mabadaba: Well there we go. Thanks for not being lazy like I am. :)

@mabadaba: Oh, perhaps! I don't actually know for sure. I didn't realize it might be Grad programs only.

I'm going to pretend this includes TV just so I can mention the '66 Chrysler Imperial Crown from the Green Hornet (shown here in unmodified glory).