
Haha, what? University of North Texas? I went to school there and I don't recall them having any sort of superb video game design program. UNT is known for its music school, and maybe it's engineering program.

It totally served a purpose. You got a sizable bit of experience, if I remember correctly.

@Kenji Uchimura: O.o If that's true, it's a happy day for me! I always felt that if I could have one more slot, the game would go so much smoother for me. I'm always dying. :( I just can't manage a real balanced party with just the 4. Or I just suck, which is entirely possible.

@Alex_Mexico: Will totally be buying this as an alternative to FFXIII, and I'm probably not the only one. It might be over shadowed, but it'll probably do as well as Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata.

Wait, what? That's a horrible idea! I guess it makes sense from a developer standpoint, for the marketing, etc. Design a game that forces people to play, or else. But for a consumer or a gamer, that's a horrid way to make a game. Someone below called it a "responsibility." What a horrible notion; to make playing a

OK Bioware, look. You're going to have to let me carry more people in my party if you're going to keep giving me characters to use. Just one more ought to do it.

@sereal: I'm lvl 4, but whatever; it's not like that's huge either (and my other character I abandoned at lvl 2 or 3). And yes, I haven't played many MMO's, but most games that work like this let you run around with a mouse, and lock on to targets. Instead of me having to constantly rotate around with one hand, move

@sereal: The controls, mainly. They kill the entire game for me. I will admit that I think the dungeon design, in regards to making it feel like you're playing D&D, was done well. But everything else is atrocious, really.

I'm not real impressed with it personally (it's not well designed at all), but I've got a group of friends who love it, and we play once a week. They play outside of that, but I don't touch it except for those 3 hours or so we're all playing together.

I'm a little conflicted. I'd actually prefer the content be on the disc, so that I don't have to clutter up my HDD. On the other hand, denying on-disc content to players in that way doesn't sit well. I don't know that being punished for buying a game used is really appropriate..... If it's something like, extra

It could have been a coincidence. You said "Anpanman," and he found something with "Anpanman."

@Gargus: Many times they just think they're playing. They're not always actively trying to hurt you. But it's a big fucking strong dolphin with sharp teeth, which makes it more dangerous if it decides that grabbing onto you and dragging you into the water is "playing."

Well look...they have to move on sometime. New games don't support W2K anymore, do they? Two new operating systems have come out since XP.

@charles_swann: Alright...I'm a literary snob, but damn. Reading should be fun. And frankly there's a lot of overrated "classic" authors out there. If the book is too difficult to understand, then it's a BAD BOOK. No matter who wrote it. Granted the ability from person to person to understand various literature

Well, the game did have some plot holes here and there, and ignored some great story chances. If it reads well, I'll have to pick it up. But I'm a literary snob, so I'm always cautious about anything like this....

@jargy1: Except as it stands now, since as you mentioned the price between a new copy and a used copy is minuscule, people would still trade in their copies for cash...but then no one would buy the used copies. Then there's a flood of used copies, and either they stop taking them, or pay out next to nothing.

@BloodEden: Oh, definitely. Which is probably one of the very few downsides to that sort of progress in video games. We all want these advanced games, so they make them, but we get attached to a specific play-through, and as a consequence won't always play through them again.

OK, Dueling Analogs was a cheap shot, but it was funny.

@vidhagans: Huh? A real one? Man, boning a corset is a pain in the ass. I've never made one from scratch, but I have had to repair some. And I thank my lucky stars I didn't have to make one from scratch.