
@optimusp: Thinking my money will go to RoF instead as well. FF13 will get picked it up as a budget title later on. So, there's an upside to all the bad stuff I keep hearing about FFXIII. Money free for something else.

I kind of wish that was a Fable 3 screenshot too.

@Wess28: The fact that PS3s aren't BC anymore really upsets me as well. I have no plans to buy one, to be honest. Last Guardian interests me, but it won't be out for a while, and I can't justify the console for one game. Especially when it won't play my rather nice library of PS2 games that I still play regularly.

@kyoshizen: ALWAYS Garrus. Before I got Thane, it was Garrus and Jack. Now it's Garrus and Thane.

@MDog: I loved both KotOR games, but the characters and story for K2 paled in comparison to the first game. It was still a good game, yes, but still inferior in some of the most important ways.

@MDog: That's pretty funny actually. If my history is correct, Obsidian was born from Bioware, but to me, they've always been a lesser version. They use Bioware's basics, polish up the mechanics, but are never able to match Bioware's storytelling and dialog abilities.

If it's still Mass Effect with super spies, then I'm still totally in, like I was on the day I first heard about it.

@dowingba: Um...maybe? Is that not the right phrase? I guess it should be.... "for no more than $30."

Bundling it with anything other than for free with a Phoenix Wright game wouldn't get me to pick this up for anything less than $30. Not with all the bad things I keep hearing about it....

@Slagathorian: Because that hasn't been a running joke for me for about 8 years now. Definitely heard that one before, sorry. :)

Is this another damn "special" armor with a permanent helmet fixture? Because I haven't used the other two bonus armors I have for that exact reason.

@Manly_McBeeferton:'d rather have a companion cube than actual sex? The clearly implied reason for said lingerie is that you will be getting hot sex for Valentine's Day. I don't think I've ever known a guy to say he'd rather have a stuffed toy over that.

As a girl, I would LOVE the Companion Cube myself. But I have to say, for a guy, gamer or not, all a girl has to do is show up in some Victoria's Secret or something. No need to hunt for a geeky gift...unless you want to show up as Princess Leia.

@Zaph31: Agreed. And it's one of the reasons why I'm so against virtual content. This idea that you only own what you paid for as long as someone else wishes to allow you access to it.

@pekosROB: Do you mean if you beat the game once, then play through it again with the same character (using new game plus)? I don't think so. That's what I did, and the game followed the decisions from the more recent character's venture. Is that what you mean? It actually encourages you to do so, and get your

@splines: I rather like the movie trailer for "Citadel," a film based on your adventures in the first game.

@pekosROB: You choose which valid endgame profile to upload.

Alright, Mordin just broke out into the Salarian version of Modern Major General. "I am the very model of a scientist Salarian."

@PuffyTail: I enjoy his relationship with Shepard in general. From the moment they meet, he looks up to Shepard, and turns to Shep for guidance. Finding him in ME2 was so sad, because he just looked so broken. Like, after Shep disappeared, his whole life fell to pieces. But he did the best he could, to do what he