
Some of those are pretty funny, like the one for Tomb Raider.

Wow, thanks guys - I was actually going to make a cardboard one tomorrow.

@Don Is: It's not bullshit at all. With an LCD you're looking directly into a light source. There's really no doubt that LCDs cause MORE eye strain than something using reflected light - whether that gap is strain is noticeable for you or not depends on the person really.

@Prostate of Grace: it's the cover of Twilight, look at the majority of mocked-up eReader screens and you'll likely see it.

@Beeezy: He's changed it. It read really weird before.

Guess if I'm given an option, I'll choose to hit my PIN in instead. Particularly at my comic shop; goodness knows they don't need to be ripped off anymore.

Might want to work on that opening sentence there, Mr. Ashcraft. It doesn't really make sense.... You're missing some words in there, I think.

@ReticulateLemur: I think his problem is that other countries are getting one, so why isn't America.

I'm glad no one got severely hurt, but on the other hand I'm glad their fancy overpriced boat got the shit knocked out of it.

Screw the box, where can I get that keyboard/remote?

Isn't the black and white sort of the point? Otherwise it's not really Steamboat Mario.

I wish Honda would release a small car with just the minimum safety features here in the US - they're all getting way too bloated.

@excaleranth: Maybe sweat was dripping into his eyes?

LOL@the little one in yellow armor who is like half the size of everyone else.

@SuperTongue: You hate FF, but you signed up to receive the avatar code? Does not compute.

@Igbutton: Me too. :( The shape and weight of the thing isn't exactly conducive to the way it's supposed to be played.

Why not? It's not exactly the most ergonomic piece of equipment.

@Dick Socrates: Uh, what's wrong with making cakes based on hobbies? What would you rather it had been? It's either this or something else. Or a plain boring cake.

I can't tell. Are the games pastry too?

@Blastarr: I hate to break it to you, but the 12-16 year old demographic has very little interest in arcades because of console gaming. (parents are also way more overprotective about letting their kids spend time alone ANYWHERE). IMO 18+ is the only way for an arcade to go in the US.