
@Mazrem: I know a few people who enjoy it. I don't. I dislike the lack of individuality and uniqueness of class that was in 3 and 3.5. I build characters, not classes, and 4E does a lot to prevent that (consolidated skills and no skill points being one of my issues). I dislike the standardized leveling of stats,

@SacGamer: Yeah, but furbies were cute and fun. I was at a church camp when one went off in the middle of a prayer. See? Entertaining.

The only reason I know about them is because there was some concern about the lead content in their fur or something.

@Lainface: I loved the 1,000 Words song. I hated pretty much everything else, though. :)

If the pricing rumor is true I may have to keep my iPhone and buy a Google phone and let them fight to see which is my favorite.

@eck0: Good call, but I honestly can't blame people who bought the console version.

@KillerBeeTX: People weren't boycotting console versions.

@Spoony Bard: Well, now I'm less annoyed. :) I don't think you should have to give up your hobbies for anything, unless you're tired of them and you actually want to give them up (as in, you don't want to play games anymore, which didn't seem to be the case; not as in your own willingness). Or they're in some way

@madammina: Oh that's right. I think I've heard of those somewhere....

The Daring Game of Girls? I'm almost afraid to ask what that is....

@Kycse: Haha, I almost didn't even notice. That's kind of funny.

@maraxusofk: Instead of fighting Nazis, he's just hanging around in the brothels and trying to get some. He's playing Saboteur.

@striferoks: Sorry, it read to me that he needed to sell it off because he needed the extra cash. Perhaps I misread and I'm way off base.

@Hey_Blinkon: Priorities that you should be prepared before taking another life form into your house? I didn't know that was such a terrible thing.

@DLNO-001: Well, there's a good point there. I have several friends that I would say having a child "ruined" their life, but it's their freakin' kid; they'd never see it that way. And that's fine. There's no need to project something like that onto a child.

@Kanoopy: Well, my problem isn't really with him. It's the way the article said it was so mature for him to be selling his stuff off and blah blah blah. So I'm basically saying, the mature thing would be to have waited for financial stability before having a kid in the first place.

@Obama takes time to read kotaku's comments...: Well, selling your stuff because you need the extra cash, and selling it off because you won't have time for it anymore are a little different. If it's simply that you'll have less might as well hold on to it for later, unless you really have no room at all.

How's this for mature? Keep your pants zipped until you're financially stable enough to support a baby without having to sell off all your shit. I don't know how selling off some games is really going to pay for the doctor's appointments, the birth and hospital stay, the food, diapers, new furniture, clothes, etc,

@Jon Crofts: I'll give you X-2. It did have shit music. XII's was OK though.