
It doesn’t hurt to try.

“LAPD are offering $1000 reward for anyone who can identify the driver”

“The Witcher 3 will be our last Witcher game.”

They weren’t cancelled because you did NOT see them. They were cancelled because people saw them... and then stopped seeing them. 

A show about the future with no future. How ironic.

It was number 14 on the list, but the kids who write these vapid articles are given about 15 minutes to write each one. Simply ran out of time.

Spoiler alert- they all get older and die.

Did you know that you don’t have to subscribe to Netflix? Turns out, it’s optional. 

I’ll have to go back and give it another shot. Oh wait... it’s cancelled. Nevermind.

Good. That’s 13 shows I can take off my wishlist. It’s gotten WAY too big. At this point, it will take me about 25 years to see everything on it.


Wood was ostensibly an adult”

Failed the piss test, of course.

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hu................

How about: “Five Reasons You Don’t Need Any Of This Crap.”

TIL there’s a pornographic metal song about gay cowboys.

Rogan: “We walked into Planet of the Apes.”

The best feature of Jeff Bezos’ new boat... it can sink, like any boat. He best not name her, “Karma.”

“payments to employee shareholders”

I don’t get it- I have a face exactly like an English Bulldog, and nobody seems to think I’m adorable... or wants to adopt me.