

It was a better SNL than usual. But that doesn’t say much at all.

Or just a knee to their necks.

Who downloads porn anymore? There’s an endless world of porn online to stream. And you can watch something new every day. Just remember to use the private browsing mode and lock the door.

President Kayne West? That’s crazy. That would be like voting Donald Trump for presi.... oh shit!

Be more worried about the high sodium content in deli meats, rather than the bugs.

I think your MAGA hat is on a little too tight.

Semantics do not really matter here. Trump is moving his mouth, thus he is lying, period.

Next article: “Twenty things to do instead of voting”

Should You Open a Bottle by Hitting It With a Knife?

The good news is that the other Robert Smith wrote and recorded some of the best music ever in the 80's.

Get used to it “N-words.” The GOP has SCOTUS tied-up for decades. Too bad you didn’t vote when you had a chance.

Mercedes... a beautiful waste of money.

The writers of Outbreak never imagined the most surreal character of all- a total whack-job president, talking about injecting bleach and politicizing mask-wearing. That movie is only half as horrible as the truth we have faced.

Who will the social justice warriors be cancelling next? Just want to buy the books, movies, music before they get cancelled.

No, if you don’t pay your waiters a living wage and expect your customers to pay them for you, you’re a jerk.

Your 15 minutes of assholery are up, leafy. Now fuck off. You’re done.

No Dirty Donald would never say anything derogatory about our military heroes... oh, except for this, about war hero John McCain:

Must really suck to be named Karen these days.

What an incredibly beautiful car. It says, “I have a VERY small penis” and “fuck the poor” all at once.