Really, it improves the body in 2 important ways: flexibility and core strength. The yin and yang of a healthy body.
Really, it improves the body in 2 important ways: flexibility and core strength. The yin and yang of a healthy body.
Dear God, does this mean it’s possible that Putin could get Trump pregnant and make a baby super-facsist?
“Gabe Kapler...took a knee during one of the first Major League Baseball games...”
It always helps to imagine that their big, rich penises are just as small as your poor, little penis.
Who doesn’t love a good “social justice warriors turning on one another” story?
“There are no such rules governing shitty beer...”
These Broncos will never see the light of dirt. Only teenage city boys and their pimply little asses on their all-weather seats. Snorkels, giant mud tires, murdered out... driving around in a subdivision near you.
everyone’s a little bit racist... every mother fucking one of us.
[Comment deleted]
I’ll wait for Reviewbrah to put in his 2 cents.
I hate 2020.
“And I think he has this sense that only he can do everything as best as it can be done.”
If not for that horrific yellow light ring around the headlights...
Gross people living gross lives.
If this article concerns you or raises your anxiety level about your smart speaker, you probably shouldn’t use a smart speaker.
“gender critical, TERF”
“gone terribly wrong”
I banned Twitch a long time ago.
There’s more than one way to scramble an egg... and they’re all great.
The Yaris is a car for hobbits. And hobbits are fictional, so....