
Loved the Fall - all three seasons. For anyone who judges Jamie Dornan only by Fifty Shades, watch him in this. He can act.

I watched the first episode. Stupid doesn't even begin to describe it. An hour of my life I will never get back. And I like a lot of the procedurals. And I like Dermot Mulroney. But this. Buh bye.

The scene where Hanzee walks into the convenience store and his encounter with the owner (presumably) reminded me of a similar scene from "No Country for Old Men". Scary.

I hate when they kill the animals, but they had to. It would be weird from a story line if they kept the dog with them when they ran away - all three families. Still.

Absolutely love Rectify. It's a slow burn but so worth it.

Interesting that she was in the same episode as her ex-husband, Steven Pasquale, even though they were not in the same scenes.

I loved how Nick kept saying that the picture of Jared Leto was really just a picture of Jess. It really did look like her.

She was her dad's best man. "He really wanted a boy".

I have a feeling that the creators were just trying to throw us a curve ball. I bet that the murderer is the same as in Broadchurch.

But the iPhone 6 (the smaller one) is $399 for the 128GB, while the Classic is $249.

So happy I just bought one two weeks ago because I lost my old one. It is relatively low-priced and holds my entire music library of over 14,000 songs. They need to increase the capacity on the iTouch and iPhones.

I immediately thought of Alvin Ailey's Revelations when I started watching the episode. This show is certainly one of the more thought-provoking on TV.


The scene with old man Childress in the shack reminded me of Seven.

Schmidt steaming his sheets!

Actually, he did express feelings last season in the "Cabin" episode, but he was drunk on absinthe.  I guess that's why Jess said she had never seen this side of him sober (I'm paraphrasing).