
Proof that corporate America is planning to turn americans into subservient zombies.

Do you also wave them like you just don't care?

I loved Machine Man. I still have issue #1. How about some Micronaut and ROM love?

Shit while you're at it throw in Devil Dinosaur and we're set.

And Ghost Rider as well. Using a vintage chopper.

You're one of those guys.

Love that book.

Now playing

For those who believe the Air Force's explanation, I'll leave this here.

You said poop.

Looks like a papermate.

I've tried goose. Taste like shit no matter how you cook it. Yuck.

I thought the engineers didn't have nipples?


Its a PS3's little red rocket.

I've seen this somewhere before...

What was that black goo?

Still haven't answered the most important question. How much?

Wow. Good thing you didn't swallow it. I just remembered a friend from Oklahoma got stung in his taint by a scorpion. True story.

How the hell did that happen?