Proof that corporate America is planning to turn americans into subservient zombies.
Proof that corporate America is planning to turn americans into subservient zombies.
Do you also wave them like you just don't care?
I loved Machine Man. I still have issue #1. How about some Micronaut and ROM love?
Shit while you're at it throw in Devil Dinosaur and we're set.
And Ghost Rider as well. Using a vintage chopper.
You're one of those guys.
Love that book.
For those who believe the Air Force's explanation, I'll leave this here.
You said poop.
Looks like a papermate.
I've tried goose. Taste like shit no matter how you cook it. Yuck.
I thought the engineers didn't have nipples?
Its a PS3's little red rocket.
I've seen this somewhere before...
What was that black goo?
Still haven't answered the most important question. How much?
Wow. Good thing you didn't swallow it. I just remembered a friend from Oklahoma got stung in his taint by a scorpion. True story.
How the hell did that happen?