Try getting stung by ten yellow jackets in the same time. And one directly in your armpit. Yup, thats me. It felt like getting hit with a truck with the aftertaste of goddamn that shit hurts.
Try getting stung by ten yellow jackets in the same time. And one directly in your armpit. Yup, thats me. It felt like getting hit with a truck with the aftertaste of goddamn that shit hurts.
Actually the Sun will start to expand in a billion years therefore scorching the Earth and making it unhabitable. Even more of a reason to start looking towards the stars for a new home sooner than later. But then again, I'll be surprised if humanity lasts another 10,000 years. But then again, I'll be dead.
Well most of the species. I always felt that the smart ones should continue to find ways in leaving this rock so the ones that are left could swim in their own shit.
"If there is no compelling economic reason for us to do this, the money isn't going to be there to do the engineering R&D to make a lunar mining outpost happen. Plain and simple. No amount of Libertopian "magic free market" dust is going to change that. "
I'm turning 43 next month as well. Finally graduated college after twenty years of bullshitting. I feel as if the scientific progress of the last twenty years mirrors my life. Bullshitting around for all these years fighting amongst ourselves while we get older.
What I really hope is for Marvel to get the rights back to all the IP's back (X-men, Fantastic Four, Spiderman), so they can be produced by people who really care and know what they're doing.
This is a perfect example on why Texas should rewrite text books.
Is that a fake star on your avatar?
I loved her in the game. Thats why I hated the ending.
For the longest time I didn't get the joke. Only after his death, do I now get the whole subtext of that fantastic album.
I liked Howard the Duck too. I just want to be accepted in todays society.
The Howard the Duck movie was so fowl!
Or Hum's Downward is Heavenward. If not I'm really disappointed.
No list is complete without Hums You'd Prefer an Astronaut.
Ever read Genesis? Same thing.