Krillin & Chillin, Oatin & Boatin

This is the sort of Fox News I can get behind.

I have been there. I have. But some days, you need to take a deep breath and accept the Black Forest ham that's been dealt to you.

Stabbing seems like a reasonable response. To ...

Meanwhile, on Birdspin:

baybay hippo! SQUEEE

12 days until the book comes out, but still 96 more Days of Kristin.

“I puts the lotion on the skin.” Christie clarified in a deep monotone voice.

can you imagine being the PR person for chris christie who has to walk into a room and say

“.... is the logical next step in her presumed path towards building the country’s next big lifestyle brand. It is everything we know about Teigen—her passions, her humor, her dog, her family, her husband, her entire aura—laser-focused into print form.”

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?

Are you fucking serious?

I want an alternate version TOO DRUMPF TO FUCK.

JoJo’s dress did NOT deserve the last rose, should of been first.

I had many thoughts last night, in no particular order:

When has abstinence only EVER worked? In all of history? Ask abstinence spokeswoman Bristol Palin. And what about people who are victims of sexual assault? Your wife has decided she does not want an abortion for herself, that doesn’t mean that either of you get to make that life and death choice for other women.

I’m sorry for your loss. Yes, if I felt that it would endanger my health I would abort this cluster of cells. No question. If I had gotten pregnant a year ago, or 2 or 3 or 4 years ago, SAME. I am pregnant now because it was not until this year that we were ready financially for a baby. If we find out that the fetus

+1 Maeby someone will get it

Straight to hell.