Krill Baby Krill

You can flip them around to add volume and height.

Ugh. I haven’t even picked it up. It’s still waiting for me at my mailbox place. Getting it is not going to be the same, now that DoK is over.

Kristin puts her oats in the fridge overnight. Gotta buy her newly released book for the recipe.

I would have to post this every day.

No spoons for Kristin. She’s all about the #spons.

What kind of monster is anti-vacation?

Her pediatrician must be a total quack, since it seems they support her anti-vaxx stance and helped her develop this goat milk formula. I fear for the children.

I love you Anna! Now that Allie is gone, I am transferring all my affection to you.

It is not a medical manual.


In the end, it was really just all about the comments, where many of us met everday to goof around.

Her ghost writer was a little more efficient the initially projected.

12 days until the book comes out, but still 96 more Days of Kristin.

“.... is the logical next step in her presumed path towards building the country’s next big lifestyle brand. It is everything we know about Teigen—her passions, her humor, her dog, her family, her husband, her entire aura—laser-focused into print form.”

According to their ads in the subway “no, you don’t have to change every few hours, no, they don’t feel like diapers, and no, it’s not like sitting in ur blood all day”

I’d rather have a free Thinx Cycle Set.

You want vicious? I’ll give you vicious.

I think Noble Renard is right. Mid-town East is Zzzzzzzzzzz.