Krill Baby Krill

How do the Berniebros compare the Allie’s future husbands, the Donald Trump bros?

I’ve never even heard of standing and wiping. WTF? What planet are you people from?

Same. Only I’m 48, so I have 18 more years of data points to add. Never had a problem sitting and wiping. Not a one.

Another day, another agency-stealing old guy.

Fare thee well, Mark. You’ve been a joy to read, you sick fuck. ;)

My parents have slept in separate bedrooms for many years. It basically saved their marriage.

Spencer is a bit of a delicate flower. I don’t think he could handle the Jez commentariot.

I don’t enjoy slapstick either.

After watching the video, I have totally changed my mind. He convinced me. His argument was so persuasive. I have been wrong-thinking my entire life, but have now seen the light. I will never carve a happy face on an open, pussy sore ever again. Well done, Kevin Swanson.

I don’t know how filling they are, but they are excellent for gut health.

Jeans are the new trend in fall fashion. Also, toeless booties.

Or they just make things up. Vaccines cause autism? The Pyramids were grain silos?

Yes. Did you know that food additives have been linked to inflammation? Inflammation, aka “feeling puffy” is no good.

It’s great for a healthy gut. Gut health is so important.

Make sure you use the full fat coconut milk.


Any time, JLP.