
@FriedConsole: I was being ironic, the point I was trying to make was that this article was based on something unquantifiable decreasing. Microsoft in all it unpopularity it had among geeks in the 90's was still huge. I don't see how it could be any different with Apple.

"Apple's hype has been steadily inflating since 1997 " Source please? How does one measure hype?

I'm sure there'd be this much coverage if they fix it with a software update.

@Matthew Kidd: I don't think there is a need for recall. Just a small plastic tape sent to existing iPhone 4 users to cover the area.

Gizmodo has never removed my comments putting them in a negative light. Oh wait...

The 'recall' is simple. Apple mails all who purchased an iPhone 4 a piece of plastic tape with directions on how to affix it to the device to prevent the problem. All new iPhone 4 come with a plastic coating around that area. There is no reason to pull all the devices and replace them.

Has it occurred to anyone that the reason they are not going to be providing free bumpers is that while the problem appears hardware related it can be fixed with software and a solution is coming soon? If someone in customer service is given that as an option for an answer to a customer complaint that's not acceptable

It's called competition. Should Google open it's site up to competing products like iAd as well instead of just AdSense? Nothing will come of this.

@MoeB: Day 3 for myself.

I can't wait to use Sony's magic sticks I hope they vibrate!

Ummm confirmed?

Matt Schultz... That's my name.