Saint Peter: Says here you brought about the Demon, Hellcat, Trackhawk, new Jeep, 3rd gen Viper and multiple Ferraris. We’ll let that 500e and 200 slide. Merge right in line over there, God would like to meet you.
Saint Peter: Says here you brought about the Demon, Hellcat, Trackhawk, new Jeep, 3rd gen Viper and multiple Ferraris. We’ll let that 500e and 200 slide. Merge right in line over there, God would like to meet you.
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.
probably why the author noted that it might be the exception
Thanks! I normally stick to shooting, but this time I did the shots and words.
Because if you can spend that much, you probably already own most of those.
Right, because what we really need is an organizations that can make us look as terrible to the public eye as the NRA does to gun owners.
These condos better have a shitload of electrical problems.
I spoke to God already. He’s working on it
People pledging themselves to the Confederate cause and Confederate flag, that is treason though right? I mean the Confederate states were an entity and the people who pledge their support insist it still is an entity and the United was at war with them, and if they still exist as per the people supporting its flag…
Sounds like an argument for why women’s birth control should be covered by insurance, why kids should be receiving sex education that doesn’t focus on abstinence, why Planned Parenthood should exist and be funded, etc, etc.
She got 3 million more votes. She won multiple elections before that. But, sure, keep calling her unelectable. If you say it enough times, it might be true (it won’t).
Right - the article says all those things and that she is not going to run again.
That it’s okay to ask for what you want. Women deserve to have as much pleasure as men. Never fake anything, it reinforces bad habits.
How to properly execute the Long San Antonio Round-About....
licensed rip off with much better physics
Seems like “fighting for a different country for the right to own humans as slaves” is a pretty good place to draw the line.
except if you’re black and every time you walk into a public building theres a monument to someone who fought for the right to own your great grandparent as a commodity right?
For everyone saying rinsing is the answer, every time you rinse you are exposing yourself to DMHO.