“The NFL is a business, and if people aren’t consuming a product, that’s a sign of a failure of the company to offer a product people want to consume.”
“The NFL is a business, and if people aren’t consuming a product, that’s a sign of a failure of the company to offer a product people want to consume.”
this team let gus bradley go 14-48 and let blaine gabbert start 27 games. basically they’re the NFL equivilent Rainier Wolfcastle examining if their loafers are untied when it comes to shitty football.
The fact that they are just now coming to grips with how bad Bortles is is so precious. This is the football equivalent of ignoring the project your incompetent coworker is in charge of for 6 months, then realizing you have to do the whole thing yourself the first time he gives a presentation to the boss.
You don’t need to be a man, or have played football, to know Blake Bortles is a bottom tier QB.
Did...did you just try and man-splain a shitty Blake Bortles pass? Jesus, this country IS fucked.
Football is a hellova drug.
That man is only 25 years old.
“This guy might not be OK to drive.”
I starred your post because I agree with you.
I feel for her. Same thing happened to me after walking two blocks in Houston summer heat.
I know the North American soccer leagues are likely the third-worst on labor rights after the NCAA and NFL, but if they’re going to insist on the Spring-to-Fall schedule that makes little sense for so very many reasons, couldn’t they at least make sure games in the summer are played at fucking night?
lol they deleted it tonight
You know what... move all 32 teams to LA. I don’t care. Just let the players smoke weed and wear fun cleats and celebrate touchdowns.
First St. Louis letting the Rams leave, then said city telling MLS to go screw, now San Diego telling Spanos to fuck off. Are municipalities actually growing a spine?
This whole thing is so goddamn stupid.
God, the schadenfreude will be palpable if NFL owners end up paying for a new San Diego stadium after the publicly-funded option was soundly rejected. Perhaps this will embolden municipalities everywhere.
In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.
He was way in over his head from the jump... but the board and the owners knew that before they hired the guy. You don’t go from Norway to the French 2nd division to the Premier League by accident.
Sometimes, the dots just connect themselves.
Thank god that man had a gun to defend himself from the other man who was apologizing. Things might have gotten out of hand.
"Why pretend he was blind?"
When I was a kid, like age 10-15, I used to tell people I had no sense of smell. That was kinda based on a lot of allergies that left me permanently stopped up for a while (and what I later found out was a deviated septum), but it eventually turned into my random weird thing people knew…