Bilbo Ballbaggins

I've never been blocked, so I'm gonna tell the story of the time I blocked Darren Rovell on Twitter. It was maybe two years ago, and I was fake-RTing him saying dumb shit (which, yes, is obnoxious, but also funny sometimes!). I'd read about his (deeply wienery) habit of following people just long enough to send them

Last year David Aardsma (pitching for the Mets at the time) tweeted that his bed was stolen from his new apartment in New York (weird, right?). It happened after he blew a save, so I said if he blows one again I'm coming back for the dresser. He blew it that night, and blocked me.

Mets fans usually get to see them on the field.

The kid is NINE years old. Maybe its his favorite FSU shirt. The one he got from his grandfather weeks before he died and the one he sleeps in. The Mike guy can choke on a bowl of cocks.

The Detroit-Oakland arms race is real and spectacular.

More like Ken Fauxsenthal, amirite?!?!!11!

As a former employee of the Jaguars, I can attest to his chillness. Whenever we saw him in the office, he was wearing the dopest sport coats and shoes. His shades game was unreal. His overall demeanor was always the chillest. Shad is chill. Chill is Shad.

He's only chill in this photo because the Jaguars can't be relegated.

Austin Collie used to give similar interviews to the beat writers in Indianapolis, except his stock answer was, "Who am I? Why are you asking me these questions?"

Remember when the Twins paid over $5 million for the rights to sign this guy? I even bought his shirt.

I never saw Cy Young fist pump

He was simply making the batboy's job easier. Kind of admirable, actually.

Is this really a shocker? Price whined after last year, they made it up, and then Price drilled him again. Ortiz has been getting the shit booed out of him all weekend. Some jackass fan (a Sox fan no less) cost him a HR in the previous game, so he was already grumpy. Archer threw him an absolute cookie and Oritz

If Archer really wanted to throw shade at Ortiz, Papi would probably knock that for a solo shot as well.


You know what I like about this story? It just reads Rep. Curt Clawson and not Republican or Democrat Curt Clawson. Because it doesn't matter. This guy is pure idiot no matter which party he's affiliated with.

To be fair, we don't know what happened before this Vine that could have made her deserve to be put on the ground.

"large in stature and athletically fit" is my new favorite euphemism for black

You're a real piece of shit.

Well he did K 9.