
I live nearby and am a Native woman (Ojibwe, not Sioux but still) and I was shocked when I heard what the structure depicted. Minneapolis is a very chill city though, so even though it’s crazy this idea got as far as it did, it’s being handled well now that they’ve heard feedback from the community.

Those darn Dakota, raiding intellectual property (their history) like they raided our land property (their stolen lands).

Yet again, Hazel, you fail to point out that this sculpture was intended to be a jungle-gym in a family friendly park where children would literally be clambering on a gallows for fun. This would have been an entirely inappropriate piece for the space and the community, which obviously includes Native people. So The

Not being very good and being the best choice are not mutually exclusive. I still had/have zero issues voting for her. A more or less continuation of Obama’s administration would have been greatly satisfying.

Color me shocked. With everything coming out now do we really need to keep debating why Clinton lost? This bullshit about her not being good enough is... just bullshit.

It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.

So Hillary killed this dude but Anthony Weiner’s still alive? Puh-leaze

With the Sophie Turner thing it’s quite clearly “motherfucker” (otherwise she’s pronouncing the g in the N word several times), it’s just the shit gym music drowns out the “mother” sylabble.

Honestly, you guys deserve everything for following this. The bullshit he received from Nassau courts is unbelievable.

Plus Anne Hathaway’s “Wrecking Ball”!

I just did the wiki on him & have probably watched this clip 10 times today. He’s incredible! His dance talent helps explain why he was so much fun to watch in Captain America: Civil War.

Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?

They used epic trailer music for the previous trailers. This is their final trailer where they do something different, in this case attract the people who need guitars and lyrics to get pumped up (and maybe not dwell on it being set a hundred years ago in case they have allergic reactions to anything old-timey).

What’s up with the terrible song? Couldn’t get music without lyrics? I think an instrumental works better with what’s being shown.


Well we did sort of owe them one since they financed the American Revolution.

While it’s better than the alternative, this isn’t exactly a ringing victory for democracy.