
Fallout 4 - I bit the bullet and grabbed this for $20 and it basically bumped all my non-mobile games right off the list. I still want to play/beat/whatever Stellaris, Mad Max, Starbound and the rest, but for now I'm basically doomed to trudge across the Wasteland, carrying five times my body weight in crap I've

Ja! Der Fuhrer ist sehr interested in diesen uberdogks, fur den Aryan uberdogs mit sprachen and solven mysteries und being der largest, strongkest houndt!

I haven't heard him speak, read his memoir or met the man, but I followed the events surrounding his downfall perhaps more closely than some and your description of him lines up pretty closely with the impression I had of the man. I found him thoroughly impressive, both in his understanding of the practical

Super late to the game, but if you're curious about Luke and Callista's romance, just search "macgruber wife cemetery" on Youtube and you'll get the gist of it pretty quickly.

What a bummer. McChrystal's story is a super interesting one that deserves to have its story told fairly.

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Right, so, from left to right: Whee Fun!, Still Filming?, Ergh, The Rock, Flexy Sexy and Shirts McGee.

I had a similar reaction to Flashpoint. Geez, that's all it took for these characters to go that far? I mean, maybe I'm One Bad Day (tm) away from kicking babies for fun, but I wouldn't have thought so.

I'm pretty geeked about this, but no way am I buying it any time soon. Get it all out of your system, guys, get bored with it, get all the goofy crossovers out of the way like Jason-X and then sell me a GOTY edition at 75% off and I'll give ya $7.50 for it. These staged DLCs are depressing me.

What did you think of the first Injustice? I liked it a lot, but the story was grim enough to put me off my corn flakes for a bit. I mean, the plot kicks off with Joker tricking Superman to murder his own unborn child and goes downhill from there…

My favorite headline about McCain's selection of Palin for VP was "McCain throws a Hail Mary in the first quarter of the game." I'm with some of the other commenters here; I don't see his picking Palin as a cynical attempt to manipulate the right wing of the GOP, I see it as him trying to add something flashy to his

That might be my favorite of all of these. I can only improve it by reaching: "slow-moving: the lugubrious Subaru Guru", etc.

Shrek is Subaru, Shrek is life.

I had a similar reaction to that "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" slogan: right-o, I won't understand so let's not worry about Jeeps.

I mean, my folks Subaru'd me the best they could, you know? It wasn't until I had a kid myself that I realized that you Subaru and Subaru and they don't really see it—but your Subaru is at best imperfect anyway, because we're all human. I learned something about a parent's Subaru when I realized that…and I learned a

What @SubwayJustice:disqus said, plus there's always the random psycho factor where someone slipped past prescreening, actually did think they were about to get murdered and decided to fight their way out or something. The NDA lets them start from a position of strength legally if something random like that happens.

"Does that many JD Power awards give you an erection too? Because I'm hard enough to hammer roofing nails through granite over here."

I figured sure it was actors.

Dead serious: I will never buy a Subaru specifically because they decided their slogan should be "Subaru = Love". It's a car! It's a car named after the Japanese word for the Pleiades star cluster, and I refuse to give it the same mental space I give to the word "love".

I thought he was supposed to answer his own bonus question! Now I want to know how he'd spend his last 24 hours.