Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen

Slideshow..... and skip

Yeah she was lucky in that respect.  I share your sentiments

logical fallacy, present a better argument

Cos she’s trying to get a reaction and if someone says it’s racist she can come back and say she’s white

Such an amazing article.

Had far too much sex, let himself go

The Great Escape, Sabateur and Head over heels.  all on 128k computers

4 possibility; just a dull and boring opinion from Glover

They didn’t finally speak up, people did months ago including Gadot.  This is just poor blogging

So if someone threatened you or someone you cared about you’d do nothing about it but still get in trouble.  That’s some achievement

Yes specifics are needed, you can’t just vaguely accuse someone of something

Slow news day?  She said this already as you referenced in the article, just not in those exact words

His views on Autistic people and his actions have nothing to do with Aspergers being named after him so no it’s not worth mentioning.  Neither have anything to do with the other


If he didn’t name Aspergers, someone else would have. My point is that him naming Aspergers has nothing to do with him being a nazi sympathizer

So what.  One does not equate the other so it’s not worth mentioning

I know a good few people with Aspergers, no expert on it though.  It might somewhat explain his asshole behaviour but certainly doesn’t excuse it.  No one I know on the spectrum behaves like this

Not a good take on how business works

This is without doubt the ugliest toy I’ve ever seen

Exactly.  This is a fucking bizarre hack