Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen

Yeah this is a ridiculous article to be fair

The one thing sacred in video games is ruined. This is against god



Actually, commonly that form of cancer is a death sentence, he should have been lucky enough that it was caught on time and could have been treated. Instead he chose death

Oof!  haha, guy was a dumbo.  I’m not laughing cos he’s dead, I’m laughing at someone who was supposed to be smart declaring that eating porridge would cure cancer


Great list, wait, slideshow and skipped

Mine was when I was too lazy in the past to get out of my seat to go to the toilet.  Thankfully I matured and got sick of adult nappy rash.  Plus the smell does not go away.  The carpet and couch are now replaced

Its a game

ahahahahahahahahahahahah.  What a fucktard of a country!  The amount of effort it takes to go to this pettiness of racism.  Just fucking dole out the food to the kids, the same way we do it everywhere else.  Race, religion, gender, doesn’t matter

And that’s why america is such a fuck up of a country.  Well that and the article above

Took the whole fun out of that toy

that’s a tuesday

Presumably in Merika, the land of the free and stupid, you can march freely for whatever you want?

This is one of the reasons why lifehacker is the stupidest site out there.  Uses for cable ties: tie cables, use to tie speaker cables, use for usb cables, 100 uses for other cables

Slideshow, moving on

(like, actual radiation)

It can’t be sometimes inspired by another name, it comes from another name. Shona is an Irish name, it is not the same name as Sinead or Seana.  It may be a name in English now but did not start that way

l ron shrubbard