We can also look it like this. Playstation is far outselling xbox globally. Europe got the vaccine ahead of america. The world does not revolve around the US
We can also look it like this. Playstation is far outselling xbox globally. Europe got the vaccine ahead of america. The world does not revolve around the US
He doesn’t have any wealth, the leaked tax documents show that.
I didn’t say Asia is a country. But not surprising you would think that, coming from a country where more than 50% of people don’t even own a passport. Keep making yourself look stupid with your baseless insults. You’ve written nothing of worth and make yourself dumber post by post. By the way 80% of Chinas exports…
If the American Economy collapses, Russia, China and Asia will do very well. Ergo, Sony will dominate
Or just plug it in while you play. Anyone with this issue just needs a cable at the required lenght
It’s not a real job
I conclude that streamers are the lowest form of life. At least a beggar sits on the street and straight up asks for money and doesn’t pretend that they are working
So streamers aren’t happy that a marketing company did a smart campaign. Yet they’ll fucking beg people for money. They are the true bottom feeders, talent less...
What an arrogant misbelief
Why should it not?
I think you’ll find that Sony doesn’t make it’s decisions based purely on the shitshow that is America
I’ll direct you to Goop
What do you mean don’t forget about Leopold? Everyone forgets about Leopold, especially the Belgians. Don’t forget about Cromwell
And the States glosses over the fact that the WMD’s never existed
He’s not talking about the bombs in Japan, he’s talking about the firebombing of Dresden
Yep, but don’t worry, the British assisted them :-)
Head off to Burma, you’ll see plenty of swastikas. And not the eastern ones, but the German WW2 ones. I figured when I was there that they were saying fuck you Germany this was our sign first. Swastikas don’t have the same stigma in Asia. Hell, even in my country in Europe you can buy them as historical replicas. …