Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen

How Soulslike are they?  I mean for me Soulslike doesn’t just mean hard, it means level design, exploration, secrets, etc.  Would you consider these souslike other than the difficulty level?  I didn’t find Nioh soulslike, just easy

If it’s truly soulslike, I would be excited, truly

He undied


Only in America :-)

You shouldn’t be waggling your finger at another nation

And they have testing on-site, strict controls.

Those numbers show China has Covid under control. Not sure how you can’t see that.

105 new cases for a population of 1.93 billion. China 31st July

China were pretty up front from the start.  Then you had the U.S. government ordering states to reduce testing

Yes but if you pay 1k you get a custom avatar

Your readers are obviously going to stay beginners.  Poor choices all

Your readers are obviously going to stay beginners.  Poor choices all

Bycott Steve Jobs and his X Sox sux

You could replace console with phone are type that again

I don’t get it either and yes I won’t be pissed off with next gen games going up in price.  Sure it would be nice if they stayed the same or got cheaper.

Can buying this and/or playing it contribute to the corona pandemic.  It does come from Japan after all

Yeah I don’t get this, photo is bizarre.  Looks like the whole area is like that for years

Your password was leaked so that’s either on you, using the same password on multiple sites or Steam was hacked.  That’s what 2FA is for.  Change the password

Did you really need to make an article for something so obvious

Ok, no jokes allowed. Fuck sake, it’s not even offensive