Ah, the album that Sepultura went from being a great thrash/death band to fucking shite
Ah, the album that Sepultura went from being a great thrash/death band to fucking shite
It’s too easy, I think the only people seriously comparing it to Dark Souls are the ones who couldn’t get into Dark Souls
That’s his problem that he’s that insecure, it’s not insulting
What do you mean by ideal? Do you mean you’d just like them or is there some reason they would be better on Switch?
I’ll chippy you if you’re not careful
I value my sleep, I’ll pay the extra for a lie in, equally I don’t want to arrive in a country when nothing’s open. I think half these problems exist only for internal flights in The States, they’ve never applied to me outside
Fake news, jeez...
Stop giving fuckwits money
Forgive my ignorance, but are the Dawn of War games not 4x?
That’s not how it works, so I call bullshit on your claim that you’re a lawyer
Your understanding of the law is a complete lack of understanding. You haven’t a clue
What language did you expect the original Manga to be other than Japanese?
Calling one ethnicity/race another ethnicity/race is racist. That’s the point. So yeah you shot yourself in the foot
Nioh is not the hard game it’s made out to be. It’s fast, don’t know why reviewers equate fast with hard. Use the music box for Father Gascoigne
In more seriousness, I’ve just literally started Wolfenstien 2 about 10 minutes ago. I thought I was a more seasoned gamer being so used to Souls games. I’ve gone from the hardest difficulty setting to the one just below. I don’t want to be one shot every time.
Never talk about yourself in the third person
Well then why are you continuously arguing when you know you’re wrong. Smh
Which in itself is a generalisation and is not representative of the whole. There were far more Irish against slavery, both in Ireland and in The States. There were many slaves taken from Ireland, a huge percentage of the population in on short space of time. The Irish people for the most are and have always been…
Have I upset you? You are the one behaving like a child. His reason isn’t a reason, hence his ban. Just because you agree with it doesn’t make it right, it’s still wrong. There’s zero proof of intentionally breaking strategy. What there is proof of and plenty of proof is him intentionally falsely reporting players.…
He didn’t have a reason. Playing one character or dying or not being very good is not against the rules and says the same when you report.