
A little piece of me just died.

That speech actually changed my mind about the death penalty (from pro to anti) when I first saw it as a young teen.

You and Me Babe was his best book. Very funny, obviously autobiographical, and a really good read.

They seem nice.

Just had to say that "putzing" around and "futzing" around are two ENTIRELY different things.


Kinda pisses me off that the very thing that Mary and Paul constantly dinged the eventual winner for - style over substance - is what Lauren is praised for. Eddie was constantly praised for his flavors. I'll tell you what; when I'm eating baked goods, I don't give a shit how pretty it is. It's all about the flavor.

Kubrick's movie isn't The Shining. He used the same place and character names, but it isn't The Shining. I hated it when I saw it in the theater when it came out and I hate it still. Not scary. Not emotionally involving in the least. King was absolutely spot on in his criticism. Killing Halloran, who risked his


Northfork was sublime. Evidently, this Polish is married to Kate Bosworth.

All wrong.

I actually saw this movie in the theater.

Par, par, bogie, bogie, par, par!

So far, the first two episode titles come from Eisenhower's farewell address. Make of that what you will.

Those "beachhouses" are not homes. They're just little huts to change into your bathing suit. Also, who is back in France for Lee to go back to? The older "murdered" girl?

I can live with that.


Why would I if I don't want to? The show did fine without me. If you hate to be that guy, don't be that guy.

I know all of that. Just can't get worked up about a meth-dealing scumbag.