
Fell in love with her in Strangers with Candy, and NEVER been disappointed. She is THE BEST.

I am so sorry to hear that :(

It’s my 10th year with them.

.... I’m an Intellectual Property attorney who works in the Telecoms/DBS field. I’d say I have a bit more than a rudimentary understanding of the workings of Cable TV. And no, this isn’t an introductory rate. I’ve been with them for 10 years already. This price will remain the same (on their end, no contract for

I mean depends on your definition of “nowhere”? I know people who think if you don’t live in Williamsburg you must live in rural Kentucky. I’m in Hoboken, NJ.

Nope, no competition. No Fios, and I mean TECHNICALLY I could get satellite, but our board prohibits the hanging of satellite dishes so in practical terms Cable is my only choice.

$0. It’s not an introductory package. Been with them for 10 years.

Altice (Used to be called Cablevision)

Hoboken NJ

Yea, Tivo here also, great way to save a good chunk of cash. High upfront cost, but when you amortize it, it pays dividends.

Hoboken NJ.  

Where on earth are you paying $140 a month for basic cable TV? I’m paying $123 a month for the Gold Package (every movie channel included), 300 Mbps internet, and VoiP phone. That’s everything, including all rental fees and taxes. O and it includes a free year of Netflix... 

So here’s the thing. Real time simultaneous translation is available on any android device, and has been available for 2 years. It’s part of the Google Translate app (worked great for me in South Korea). The only thing exclusive to the Pixel is the ability to use the translation app on the Pixel Bud earphones. So

You should update the story. Perkins had an avalanche transceiver in her backpack, but it was turned off.

So, here’s the thing. There is no “general operating fund” for a major university. Every year, the school devises a budget. In that budget expenses are allocated by school (i.e. Graduate level business, Graduate level law, Graduate level medicine, and then undergraduate). All of those expenses are then aggregated

From reading this piece, which was excellent by the way, I felt like he honestly wouldn’t have cared. Whatever the school spent it on, it’s their decision. To wrap up their decision in some faux “love of football” is the messed up part.

Many thanks for your reply!


I came here to ask exactly this question... How long until someone blames Hillary for this “mysterious” death, of a person who “cost her”.

I’m still hung up on how kneeling is offensive. My understanding of Christianity (sorry, Jew here, so not 100% sure if I am right about any of this) is that one kneels to show reverence and submission. As such, wouldn’t kneeling during the national anthem show reverence to the flag and country, and not “disrespect”?