I gave up antiperspirants and go with only deodorant these days. It surprisingly works pretty well! Antiperspirants make me sweat much more for some reason.
I gave up antiperspirants and go with only deodorant these days. It surprisingly works pretty well! Antiperspirants make me sweat much more for some reason.
No thanks SE. Do something new and inventive with the franchise and then maybe i'll care. Or remake FFVI...for HD consoles, not mobile phones.
No Deltron 3030? For shame io9, for shame.
Doesn't help if you are already blocked though, right?
I think the part that screws with me the most is just what the hell the Normandy was doing running from the battle? That should have been explained to us!
Ultimatum was an Ultimate Universe storyline...it isn't related to the 616 MU, aka the regular Marvel universe.
Articles mentions seven games a few times, then six in another paragraph. Then only lists six games and none of them are Minecraft. #corrections
Don't forget Borderlands 2...
Yes, it is Uncharted 3. Sony Japan did a similar teaser site for LBP2, months after it was announced for the US.
It looks like ass because it is rumored that this is just a port of a DS game that was already under development.
I consider myself a "REAL" gamer...and I play mostly single player games, so I've still been gaming on my PS3 this whole time.
Not shocking to me. I don't play CoD either. It is to video games as N Sync/Backstreet Boys were to music in the late 90s.
Awesome list. I know cause I voted for some of these games!
I was more into Battle Masters than Hero Quest. Both were cool though.
More than likely this is just a result of them only having access to this one unfortunate screenshot of the PSN store. Its not like they can login and take another.
So, this game makes it through Apple's approval process....but stuff like Unpleasant Horse gets rejected? Smells like double standards.
Seems heavily inspired by the Sierra point and click adventure games. Consider me interested.
Good to hear. I did my part by picking up Plants vs Zombies HD for IPad and Bejeweled 2 for my phone, all for a measly $3!