
Oh terrific! Just a headset? Which one did you snag?

This is the part when Twitch calls an audible and switches up the play.

Wonderful environmental design - but COME ON, what's up with the horrible audio x character sync? It looks just as stiff as Dead Island (Riptide)...grant it, the latter games were highly addicting even with the whacky character models...but still...fingers, eyes, and toes crossed.

MY BODY IS READY (to play, not be bitten)!

Sa-weet! I think the "elaborate hoax" being exposed or found out early was planned on part of the person running it. A catalyst for truth to emerge. And a week after it's been announced as a hoax, we get these reports of a Fallout 4! That's my theory anyway...

That was an amusing response. /claps Haha

Now playing

Solid list! Shameless promotion, but I feel it should have been included in the list, KENWAY'S FLEET! It's a great way to start making reales (money) as you can spend a few minutes after jumping back into the game, and also before logging off. Here's a quick rundown on how to navigate through it. I absolutely adore

This is a terrific discussion. Just saying.

How are you handling your tags? I think some of the things you can immediately help bump the quality of your page would be to make custom thumbnails. Your vocal audio quality is fantastic. Good work on that. But they, play the games you wanna play and keep at it. Cheers.

I'm with you on that. I'm a sucker for all behind-the-scenes work. The behind-the-scenes on The Last of the Us was especially good. Oh, and Bioshock Infinite. It might just be my affinity for filmmaking, but those really got a hold of me.

I really enjoy TheRadBrad too. He's one of my inspirations- as far as YouTube personality in the Gaming community goes.

How wonderful. The YouTube community, gaming in particular, has always been a fun seesaw of watchables for me. Some are great and some..well...could use some work. As an actor and gamer, I loved the idea of connecting people and gaming. While my channel is primarily just Let's Plays, new content is under development.