Perry Van Shrike

I started reading and collecting the Berserk Dark Horse deluxe hard cover volumes a couple years ago. It is a staggering work of art. The story and the baroque illustrations are nearly unparalleled. Gone way too soon, RIP Miura.

Man I tried going back and watching the prequel trilogy after having not seen them in a long time with a totally open mind of wanting to really enjoy them, but they are so awful as pieces of filmmaking that they are genuinely hard to sit through, an absolute slog. I was no fan of Rise of Skywalker, but at least it’s

That’s almost giving him too much credit.

You’re a major fucking douchebag, go to anger management classes and stop inflicting your mental illness on everyone else. 

People also seem to forget that TDK can pull of a gritty/realistic tone and story structure because there aren’t a bunch of superpowered gods flying around and space aliens and magical macguffins, etc.

Not shocked the people in that video don’t know who is playing in the Super Bowl. Not trying to be crass, they just don’t strike me as sporting types.

Zendaya: Why can’t you understand my love for 100 Gecs?!!

For me, it’s strange to see Valhalla on so many end-of-the-year lists. I really wanted to love it but the combat was so rough for me that it really sucked a lot of the fun out of the moment-to-moment gameplay. The stealth was really not well implemented either and the story wasn’t inspired enough to paper over the

The only thing I came away with from that trailer is Nick Swardson looks like shit.

Not too hard to figure out if you can read.

Don’t understand the hate for Currents, my favorite album of theirs, I’m in on this one.

Goddamn you Paul Rudd!

Flacco is ON his BACKO!

Truly a Mammoth Gourd.

I don’t make my bed for the same reason I don’t tie my shoes after I take them off.

Kingdom of Zeal -Chrono Trigger

Ninja Gaiden: Black.

You’re objectively wrong, McMansions are unsymmetrical and have randomly sized windows placed everywhere and generally show no real architectural harmony. The design of this house looks much more thought-out and purposeful.

I quite literally laughed out loud at this comment.