When you pretend to be a taxi company, errr, software company, this kind of stuff happens.
When you pretend to be a taxi company, errr, software company, this kind of stuff happens.
Welcome to the world of regulation, assholes.
Is anyone else getting tired of Dwayne Johnson?
You’ve problaby not encountered many open couples or at least ones you knew were open. In my experience, I would say your description fits less than half of the 2 dozen or so open relationships I know of or have been a part of.
And to be fair, she did wreck their church and was pretty much responsible for something else happening later on in the movie. So you aren’t entirely incorrect.
The Red Cup? A Speeder bike. Or is it a swoop. Are we looking at a Swoop race in Coreilla?
The Logo:
The Blackhawks is something you could totally take back to WWI and have continue into the future as tech evovles and people grow old.
Which is funny because Hilary was to the Right of both Nixon and Reagan. Obama was just barely to the Left of them.
Not so much they get shitty scripts.
Cause Poe is the SW universe version of John Barrowman and everyone wants to have sex with him?
I think it was just a PR stunt honestly.
I die a little inside every time I mention Used Cars and people go “what?”
Calling it a joke would be quite generous. LOL
I don’t have Hulu, so I won’t be watching it.
We talking Barry Allen or Barack “Barry” Obama?
They are laying the groundwork to blame it on the potenial writers strike.
Technically yes, but under TSA rules they had no legal grounds to ask him to deplane.
Fuck, I wish...
Any reason to have Kat Dennings in a movie is a good reason for me...