It’s not funny. Not because it’s offensive. It’s just not funny. “Bro humps thing for laffs” what next, slipping on a banana peel.
Even if you’re not angry about this, it’s definitely not “funny.” It’s just so boring. This isn’t even a bad joke... it’s a non-joke.
I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?
One of my mom’s friends called our reps up for days to get a meeting. She told them she was calling the newspaper. She talked to a reporter and the reporter emailed our reps. Within hours a townhall was scheduled. She went to that meeting and told them off for gerrymandering districts in our area. In Wisconsin, it was…
Clutch your pearls any harder and you might finally achieve orgasm.
Well shit, I’ll full-throatedly endorse hucking shit at motorcades.
In the song “Vertigo” Bono sings uno, dos, tres, CATORCE. Many people think he’s just counting to four but he’s actually singing 1,2,3, 14!!!! which makes no fucking sense.
What hurts so much for me, is that the GOP is willing to go along with him, because he’ll rubber stamp the legislation they want. I really hope the dems push hard in 2018.
I just fucking cannot with this baby brained moron, anymore. Next he’ll be auctioning flights on Air Force One and the money will go straight to Trump Inc. I’m so done.
um, don’t you mean unpresidented?
What did Tina and Amy do?
Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.
I’m listening....
I think it a very weird and twisted way, it was intended as a complement. It was to create a bizarre sense of intimacy “you and I are going to have the meatloaf.” Sort of like a guy ordering for his date, both a show of power and a show of intimacy. Perhaps he remembered Christie saying he loved Meatloaf, and…
Given how much his own state of New Jersey hates him (he’s tied for lowest-ever approval rating for a NJ governor IN POLLING HISTORY at 17% -—_for_unpop.html), being made to eat meatloaf by 45 probably feels like a step up.