
Interferes in the politics of numerous countries, wage illegal wars……muh democracy

No I didn't. I quite like Wilde and didn't imagine my crude imagery would be mistaken for a Wildean witticism. I would not waste a witty reposte on someone who looks down on the Russian people

I'm sure his wit was considered legendary in Reading gaol! Irish smartarse that he was!!

I hope a Russian effs you up the ass until there is blood on your shoes you generalising, unfunny ignoramus.

"Sisyphus"….tsst. More like syphilis or sumthin'…tsst.
Chip Chipperson bringin' the laughter, huh guys?


A coach with girlfriend and drowning people issues

Don't call me Paddy, fwend!

I corrected the spelling myself. I'm Irish.

Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed


I'm not going to thumbs-up that story (would be a bit weird) but I'm not surprised by it at all.

I preferred his OJ and crack-whore material, Got me every time.

Yes. And off his scarred tits on opiates

If I remember correctly Cartman froze himself with some degree of success when he couldn't wait for the Wii. If you guys don't see any comments from me after the finale……………….remember meeeeeeee

It's not gone that bad! It's half-way up it's own ass at this stage, having been 3/4 the way up there earlier in the season. Bedelia is insufferable to me now, I hated the ridiculous Chiyoh and indeed the whole way the Lithuanian angle was handled. Maybe his assertion that nothing happened to him….he happened, was a

He has a broad pelvis/waist and so may look a little pudgier than a man with a swimmers physique even though he has fuck-all body fat.

I am a medical person and though not a surgeon I have cut through flesh on a good few occasions doing procedures, mostly with consent. Anyway flesh don't rip like that.

Peterson was prettier though

Disclaimer: I absolutely love this show. 1. Buuuut the lip-biting scene was poorly done in my 'medical' opinion. You would swear Mr. D was biting through rice pudding. Flesh don't come off like that and burn victims don't look anything like that!
2.Mason's choice cuts from his face looked too symmetrical last season.