Krazilia Love

I am glad that I was not the only one gagging at that kiss.


lol right???



It used to be exciting to tune in to Scandal to see how Oliva was going to be fixer. It was fun seeing her be confident and strong, intelligent and empathetic towards the people she worked for… But, now she is this broken down person who can hardly function. I get showing vulnerabilities in order to humanize someone,

This is true. There is a lot of self hate among minorities. It is a combination of things, but when you are pretty much told from birth that you are lesser than, it is going to build up resentment and bitterness.

I sometimes wonder if people consider things bad writing when it is simple. We get so used to dialog being polished, but people do not speak that way in real life.

It was horrible. I actually watched the whole series, for some reason, but only after it was over. lol There was not one likeable character on the show… I loathed everyone… except perhaps Dennis Hopper's servant.

So, it wasn't just me… It was so bad that I had to come online to see if others could also see how bad it was. It's this dark series, but I literally was smirking and smiling through the whole thing. Girls are being murdered and tortured, and I am laughing. THAT'S NOT GOOD! I could have written this script. Sadly,