
Now, if they could only keep Motoblur off of their Android phones...

@djdare: Just a question, why is the phone not plugged in and charging at night?

@EeepaEeepa: I would tend to agree. I like to believe third parties without affiliations or biases. Tough to find in this setting, however.

@formula420: Thank you both, makes more sense now

Ok, someone help me out here. I've read it somewhere that Apple is "faster growing" or "bigger" than microsoft, how? Are we talking straight increase %? Because making $2 this year vs. only making $1 last year is always going to look bigger than making $1 billion this year and only $999,999,999 last year.

@Scott D. Feldstein: Blame that on the manufacturers and their tweaking of the "open" software

It also could be the fact that on my X I have about 9 different bloatware apps that continually like to call home to their respective mommies. Thank God for Advanced task killer.

@dethklokso: I do not understand why manufacturers insist on adding their "enhancement". Google has a rocking OS without adding "Blur" and "Sense" that only end up slowing and bugging the OS down and wasting perfectly good resources. They (manufacturers) need to stick to hardware and let the software masters, namely

@dethklokso: Don't bother, it doesn't kill Amazon or Blockbuster, and doesn't give the option to kill visual voicemail or corporate calendar.

@nagumi: Now the pure chance of six strikes is astoundingly ridiculous, but I don't get the "...whenever it is raining" part

Does anyone else find it funny that A. Gizmodo was not invited to the IPhone 4 unveiling, B. called for a free case for everyone as a result of antennagate, and C. Apple went with Gizmodo's fix for antennagate.

@silentpilot: True, I give you that. It's just 20+ years of horrible ownership tends to blot out the glory years

I do not agree that the Clippers are the worst franchise in professional sports. The Oakland Raiders currently hold that title and will continue that feat for many years to come

@tomsomething: Yep, and you're taking money away from helping kids to read...

@Stymie99: I don't believe that to be true. In the E3 presentation, they showed a family sitting down and watching a movie. And after voice commands to pause and start, they did show the dad using his hands to fast forward to another spot in the movie, all while sitting down.

@Scaramanga: Honestly, I wouldn't doubt it, especially coming from a company that originally released the 3 at $599 believing people would pay that because it "was a Sony Playstation 3".

@Scaramanga: This is the start for them to align themselves more closely with the Microsoft model. Sure, most current games will offer multiplayer on the PSN, but you can almost guarantee that the new "hotter" games will require PSN+. Sony has to start making money on this eventually

@Kryptolojik: Obviously not just catering to you