My cable company lost my business a year ago, but my local sports bar picked up the slack... until now
My cable company lost my business a year ago, but my local sports bar picked up the slack... until now
@G-Squared: How much is that in internet dollars?
Is it commonplace to film yourself watching TV, let alone watching a baseball game? Just seems... pointless?
@bugattatra - cars rule everything around me, CREAM: Not really a surprise, considering you stalked every comment I've made on Jalopnik and commented back. Trolls don't usually have respect for anyone else.
@bugattatra - cars rule everything around me, CREAM: I don't care how much of an asshat this guy is. Cardinal sin #1 is keying someone's car. That's too much of a disrespect, and a pussy move on your part.
2008 Dodge Magnum. Biggest piece of crap I ever owned.
@Guesswho69: Bravo, sir. I salute you
@Lanhoj: And figure that it's relative to where you live. $600K in Alabama could buy you half the state... $600K in California could buy you... a 30 pack and some lotto tickets
This is the best news I have heard all day... basically this means that Brees will be out for the season, right?
IMO, if you are not making a game that is identical to the original, Terror from the Deep, or (just barely making the cut) Apocalypse, then it should not carry the X-Com name. Interceptor and Enforcer proved this in spades.
@KinoEscalate: Actually I would have to say that his choice of women brings up doubts about his heterosexuality.
I'm a Wario... I'm a gonna win...
@Bard of Awen: Own, yeah. Launch Day 1 in family room, Launch Day 2 in bedroom, Elite at work, Arcade in Big Bear house, Halo 3 #1 in my car, Halo 3 #2 in GF's car. Technically you could count 4 out of 6 for me, but I did buy all 6.
@Dr. Evil Genius: Release the Kraken!: Yep, 2 launch day systems that still work, 1 first run Elite, 1 first run arcade, and 2 Halo 3 editions. Only the arcade failed, and got it back in the normal 2 week turnaround back in November.
@tk.: 16.66% for me.
His name is Rory McIlroy? Can we just remove the second R and call him Tin Cup? cheap and easy: FTW. Good call
My 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX that I took sideways into a curb at 45 MPH.... cost my insurance company $26,743 to repair. I bought it brand new for $32,000, seventeen days earlier. #qotd
Driving a 99 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, pulled over after going up the Camarillo grade in California. 2 in the morning, and clocked at 135 MPH. The cop, when he finally caught up, said the only reason he bothered was to see what kind of car could go 135 MPH up a hill. Gave me an escort home (so I would get home safe),…